The training of trainers on Child- Friendly Spaces (CFS) was organized in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter on March 22, 2022 for 21 participants of 14 females and 7 males, and in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter on March 23 and 29, 2022 for 42 participants of 30 females and 12 males.
The aim of the training was to have camp-based refugee staff brainstorm their knowledge and understanding and develop correct attitude in the management of safe spaces for children.
Qualification of CFS officers must have knowledge and understanding about nature of a child. Thus, the trainer made a survey on trainees’ own childhood interest and preference. When all trainees made their own presentation, the trainer concluded from the training manual and from the individual presentation that the nature of children was to play, have fun and that children learned from playing.
The next activity was to have participants become aware of four main pillars of child’s rights which were based on the non-discrimination principle and best interests of the child, such as the Right to Survival, the Right to Protection, the Right to Development and the Right to Participation.
Later, participants were assigned to discuss how the community safe spaces for children look like. Each group, then, presented a place in which consideration was put into standard of physical safety, beautiful layout, and healthy environment.
The final activity was that participants used the materials provided to produce puppets and toys and explained how these toys contributed to the learning of the children participating in COERR Child Friendly Space.
Training of Trainers on Child Friendly Space (CFS) Management at Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter

Training of Trainers on Child Friendly and Safe Space Management at Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter

Training on Child Friendly and Safe Space Management at Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter
